Barrragán hidden and reserved

  • Elżbieta Żuławska-Sobczyk


The work of Luis Barragán is the national heritage of Mexico. One would expect the deep research and publications, both popular and scientific, using advanced technology to give to the reader better approach to the projects and achievements of the most renowned Mexican architect abroad. But the institutions that have now the copyright of Artist, protect their heritage, making access to his work very difficult if not impossible and excessively costly. Therefore not only the work of Barragán is not as well known within the country and outside of it, but researchers cannot deepen the knowledge on the development of ideas and thoughts that guided the Artist. Barragáns ideas evolved significantly over his life and they worth studying in more detail. In this article the author tries to indicate the elements of the evolution of artistic thought of Barragán, still poorly studied and the causes of this situation.


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How to Cite
Żuławska-Sobczyk, E. (2015). Barrragán hidden and reserved. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 35, 33-44.