Abraham Zabludovsky as a representative of brutalism in Mexican architecture
Brutalism was a trend that appeared in architecture in response to the International Style, with preference for
the aesthetics of machines and clean geometric forms striving for lightness and stylistic purity. Le Corbusier
is considered to be the precursor of this style, but its concept was best presented both in theory and practice
by Alison and Peter Smithson. Th e idea of expressing form, the sincerity of material, and deriving from
what could be found in the area of construction has spread throughout the world. In Mexico, an architect of
Polish descent, Abraham Zabludovsky, became an advocate of Brutalism and, along with Teodor Goznalez
de Leon, has created many buildings which are now iconic for the of Mexico city. Th is study aims to present
the case of Zabludovsky’s architectural concepts.
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