Dioses del templo de Chavín. Reflexiones sobre la iconografia religiosa

  • Krzysztof Makowski


Abstract/short description by Editorial Team:

The three most important monuments found at the archaeological site of Chavin de Huantar are El Lanzón, El Obelisco Tello and La Estela Raimondi. The article mostly discusses the Obelisco Tello, the monument, whose surface is the richest in iconography. Makowski suggests that the character of the deities depicted here and the presence of quadripartitions can be related with typical Andean cosmogonist traditions.



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How to Cite
Makowski, K. (1996). Dioses del templo de Chavín. Reflexiones sobre la iconografia religiosa. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 17, 9-60. https://doi.org/10.36447/Estudios1996.v17.art1