Variabilidad y personalidad iconográfica de las deidades antropomorfas mochica: una aproximación estadística

  • Miłosz Giersz
  • Patrycja Prządka-Giersz


The article was originally published without abstract. Short description by editorial team:

The article debates the statistics of iconographic diversity and figures in anthropomorphic representations of Moche deities. Important hypotheses on Moche art were suggested before by Christopher Donnan, who argued that Moche iconography is based on a very strict cultural code – every element is carefully planned and was meaningful. This was opposed by Krzysztof Makowski. The aim of this research was to test these ideas using statistical analyses of set ceramics (figurative depictions). The results suggest that Moche iconography does not follow a strict code. While a few elements or attributes clearly relate with certain persons or deities, there is a great number of other elements that do not show such relations.


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How to Cite
Giersz, M., & Prządka-Giersz, P. (2005). Variabilidad y personalidad iconográfica de las deidades antropomorfas mochica: una aproximación estadística. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 25, 219-242.