Ceremonial vases from the collection of Museo de Arqueología in Nebaj, El Quiché, Guatemala

Keywords: Maya Ixil, funerary rites, urns, ceremnial ceramics, Guatemalan Highlands


The objective of this article is to present funerary rites of the Ixil Region (west-central Guatemala, in the El Quiché department) with the special emphasis on burials placed in ceramic vessels. This work focuses on analysis of ceremonial ceramics of unknown provenance that come from the collection of the Museum of Archaeology in Nebaj and from private collection. The study involved descriptive analysis of all artefacts as well as documentation with the use of photography and 3D scanning of the artifacts. Thanks to the information gathered during the process of studying the ceremonial ceramics of the Ixil Maya our knowledge about the prehispanic Ixil funerary rites broadened significantly.


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How to Cite
Krzemień, M. (2019). Ceremonial vases from the collection of Museo de Arqueología in Nebaj, El Quiché, Guatemala. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 38, 7-25. https://doi.org/10.36447/Estudios2018.v38.art1