Institutions in the economic development of New Spain

Keywords: formal and informal institutions, economic development, New Spain


Th e objective of this study is to analyze, from the point of view of the new institutional economics (NEI), the institutional changes that occurred in the time of New Spain (1521-1810) and to present the system of institutions that functioned in Mexico when it began. the fi ght for independence. Th e article attempts to demonstrate that the institutions created during the colonial era in New Spain ensured economic growth, but did not ensure neither the arrest of the eff ects of growth in the country, nor its equitable distribution among the members of society. Th erefore, it was not a system of “inclusive” institutions, according to the NEI nomenclature.


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How to Cite
Żuławska, U. (2023). Institutions in the economic development of New Spain. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 42, 203-217.