Body and person concept: introduction to the Q’eros ontology from the Vilcanota mountain range, Peru


The article presents the introduction to Q'eros ontology and addresses the most important ontological topics such as: person, body, health and disease. Detailed analysis of the concept of the body in q'eros ontology allows us to show the differences between animu and samay and show that they should be defined as material (body) elements even if they are invisible. It also considers issues such as health and disease by presenting its broad meaning (individual, collective, cosmological) and showing how a person is involved in a wide network of relationships and dependencies between different beings (human or non-human) who form a social whole.


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How to Cite
Przytomska, A. (2021). Body and person concept: introduction to the Q’eros ontology from the Vilcanota mountain range, Peru. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 40, 159-192.