The favelas in Rio de Janeiro and the alternative poverty tourism

  • Jędrzej Kotarski
Keywords: cultural tourism, Rocinha, slums, Brazil


Today’s large Latin American agglomerations are spaces of strong social inequalities and differences. Despite the country’s impressive development and publicized policy of success, Brazilian city suburbs consist of hundreds of slums, calledfavelas, which as in a lens, focus on the problems of the inhabitants. The best known are the favelas of Rio de Janeiro thanks to the popular, global-scale movies such as «The City of God» and «Elite Squad». This article is about the favelas as new forms of tourism and the phenomenon of selling images of poverty in some of the most famous areas such as Favela Rocinha. Normally visits are dedicated to a particular kind of tourist (usually richer ones) and have several objectives. On the one hand, trips to favelas meet the existing demand among tourists who wish to see «the exotic everyday lives» of the inhabitants, but they are also aimed at eliminating unfair stereotypes (identifying the inhabitants of favelas with drug dealers) and to show how one can really help the poor.


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How to Cite
Kotarski, J. (2014). The favelas in Rio de Janeiro and the alternative poverty tourism. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 32, 31-51.