Causas de la participación de la mujer en la guerrilla de América Latina

  • Magdalena Śniadecka-Kotarska
Keywords: Latin American Women, Latin American studies, Guerilla


The article was originally published without an abstract, short summary by Michal Gilewski

The article studies what is causing women to join guerillas in Latin America. The participation of women in such militant groups started with the leftist guerillas of the second half of the 20th century. The article describes different backgrounds and different reasons for the women to join armed struggle groups. It also describes how women functioned in the social, ideological and biological dimensions of guerillas. Śniadecka-Kotarska suggests that, although the guerilla movement failed to achieve its goals of socio-political transformation of Latin American societies, it made an important contribution to the emancipation of women in these societies.



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“La madre de Elena Iparraguire narra las visitas a la Base Naval para ver a su hija”.

Retrial for Peru Shining Path rebel

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How to Cite
Śniadecka-Kotarska, M. (2006). Causas de la participación de la mujer en la guerrilla de América Latina. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 26, 105-122.