Living Conditions and Death of Pre-Columbian Central Andean Women: Evidence from CT-based 3d reconstructions of Chancay funerary bundles

  • Lucia Watson
  • Linda Sutherland
  • Bruno Frohlich
  • Guido Lombardi
  • James Vreeland
  • Ken Nystrom
  • Muhammad Al-Tohamy Soliman
Keywords: Chancay Culture, mummy bundles, 3D Reconstructions, Females


Th is work focuses on the role of women in ancient Peru during its Late Period (AD 1100–1532). It studies
101 funerary bundles from the Chancay Necropolis of Miramar in Ancon in order to reconstruct the
life conditions, activities, and social organization of the local population. It integrates three previously
unpublished sources: notes from the opening of the bundles from the National Museum of Archaeology,
Anthropology and History of Peru (MNAAHP) in the 1950s; the direct observation of bundles at the Site
Museum of Ancon; and the bundles’ CT-based 3D reconstructions.
Th e contribution of this research is twofold: it is not only methodological, since it integrates diff erent sources, rescuing museum collections usually left aside due to their lack of contextual information; it is also
one of the fi rst gender-focused bioarchaeological studies in the Andes, a chance to rethink the position that
women played in political and economic tiers of the past.


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How to Cite
Watson, L., Sutherland, L., Frohlich, B., Lombardi, G., Vreeland, J., Nystrom, K., & Al-Tohamy Soliman, M. (2024). Living Conditions and Death of Pre-Columbian Central Andean Women: Evidence from CT-based 3d reconstructions of Chancay funerary bundles. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 43, 139-164.
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