Las quilcas de Pacchana o Illomas, Arequipa, Perú.
Una propuesta para su secuencia y cronología
Paccahana or Illomas, located in the province of Condesuyos, Arequipa, is one of the most important quilca sites in Arequipa, with hundreds of rocks marked with motifs and figures, which express a great graphic richness and are evidence of a strong social interaction in the area. Due to this remarkable figurative quality, very characteristic of the Yunga region of the Andes, the study set out to examine the sequence and chronology of the site, for which a macroscopic visual analysis methodology was proposed, based on culturalist and graphic-formal analytical premises.
The results exposed a long sequence of nine phases of quilca production, related to three major periods, which developed mainly during the Early Horizon Period. It is concluded that these quilcas expose a tradition of figurative production made by social groups with varied behavioral premises, and with relations with the Siguas 1 culture of Arequipa, and to a lesser extent with the Paracas civilization of Ica.
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