The Shape of Water

A New Understanding of the Quatrefoil Glyph in the Maya Writing System

  • Dorota Bojkowska Jagiellonian University
Keywords: Maya epigraphy, quatrefoil glyph (T510cd), quatrefoil motif, “ch’en”, pool


The quatrefoil motif, a widespread symbol in ancient Mesoamerica, is associated with caves and serves as a portal to the supernatural world, enabling communication with gods and ancestors. This article investigates the undeciphered Maya logogram T510cd, commonly referred to as the quatrefoil glyph due to its distinctive shape. Through a comprehensive analysis of inscriptions featuring T510cd, complemented by selected iconographic, archaeological, and ethnographic investigations, this article sheds new light on previous attempts to decipher the quatrefoil glyph. The study reveals that logogram T510cd likely represents the Maya word "ch’en," signifying openings or holes in the earth, often indirectly related to pools and caves.


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How to Cite
Bojkowska, D. (2024). The Shape of Water. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 43, 11-45.