Mauricio Amster: A Pole in the Service of Spanish-Language Book Culture. Interpretative Proposals

  • Marcin Kurek Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The goal of the article is to evoke the figure of Mauricio Amster (1907-1980), a Polish graphic designer, typographer, book designer, magazine and poster designer, born in Lviv, educated at a design school in Berlin, who, active in Spain and especially in Chile, established the foundations of modern book culture in both countries. The article proposes to explore Amster's work through the concept of "shifter," examining how his "book-objects" function as symbolic and indexical signs that combine autonomous art and mass production, and how these elements intertwine within the context of post-vanguardism and the society of the era.


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How to Cite
Kurek, M. (2024). Mauricio Amster: A Pole in the Service of Spanish-Language Book Culture. Interpretative Proposals. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 43, 47-60.