Relationship between the 11-Ozomatli of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent of Xochicalco and the Feathered Serpent of Xochicalco and the central eclipse of the 11-Chuen of my reconstruction for the origin of the Long Count

  • Arnold Lebeuf


Th e date 11-Ozomatli is of great importance among the calendar inscriptions on the facade of the Templeof the Feathered Serpent in Xochicalco. I argued in 1995 in the chapter „Astronomy in Xochicalco” of thebook “La Acropolis de Xochicalco”, that this date should mark the beginning and end of the great cycle of5200 years in the Xochicalco system.In 2020, that is to say 25 years later, while trying to solve some enigmas of the Long Count and the cycleof Venus in the Dresden Codex, in particular this strange diff erence of 2200 days between the beginning ofthe Long Count and that of the table of Venus, I concluded that the meeting point between these two cyclesshould have been placed at the JD 728261, that is to say in proleptic Gregorian calendar, at 2720.10.22BC on an inferior conjunction of Venus at the centre of a symmetrical series of its positions and perfectlyintertwined on another symmetrical series of eclipses and lunar nodes centered on an eclipse of the Sunon a day 11-Ozomatli.Th is coincidence led me to search for a possible relationship of the distances between these dates. Th e resultgave a signifi cant series of congruences with the cycles of 117, 260, 360, 585, 780, 2340, 4680 all of themattested by the Dresden codex and the inscriptions at Xultun.Finally, the Chilam Balam reports that a congress of sages met in Bacalar in 1544 on a day 11-Chuen (theMayan equivalent of 11-Ozomatli). And here again we fi nd the same congruences between this date andthe previous ones.


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How to Cite
Lebeuf, A. (2023). Relationship between the 11-Ozomatli of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent of Xochicalco and the Feathered Serpent of Xochicalco and the central eclipse of the 11-Chuen of my reconstruction for the origin of the Long Count. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 42, 219-230.