Laser Aided Profiler (LAP) - new technology for the drawing ceramics. First impressions from LAP application in ceramic material from Uaxactun, Petén, Guatemala.
Archaeological drawing is very important for the record of artifacts that are recovered from excavations and research in any field. The methods and techniques are defined in each project seeking to respond to its objectives. Recently, thanks to the progress and development of new programs and technologies, we have new tools to register, obtain data and systematize an easier and more accurate task. This is how we present a new advance in the field of ceramic drawing, an idea that came from Slovakian researchers and is currently used in different parts of the world. The first portable equipment that arrived in the Mayan area was possible thanks to the Uaxactun Regional Archaeological Project. The experience with this new technology has undoubtedly been positive, since for the first time we have a database of more than 2000 ceramic fragments from the Preclassic period (700 BC-250 AD), which is a significant sample to continue with ceramic studies in the region.
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