La ciudad y el origen de la civilización en los Andes. Sobre el imperativo y los límites de la comparación en la prehistoria.

  • Krzysztof Makowski


Abstract/short description by Editorial Team:

This article discusses the presence of urbanism in the Andean region. The author revisits numerous models of development of complex societies that have been proposed and are still in use. Much of them relates to the concepts of city and urbanism and such manifestations of complex society are often regarded as a universal and important element of societal evolution. Makowski's article stresses that Mediterranean urbanism includes a number of very characteristic ideas that do not find any equivalent in the Andean region. He suggests that Andean settlements may not be comparable to Old World cities.




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How to Cite
Makowski, K. (1996). La ciudad y el origen de la civilización en los Andes. Sobre el imperativo y los límites de la comparación en la prehistoria. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 17, 63-88.