You Are What You Speak, or Are You? Identity, language, sociocultural change, and the Pa'ikwené (Palikur)

  • Alan Passes


Alain Passes describes the relationships between identity, language and recent sociocultural developments within the Pa'ikwené communities. He argues that ‘language loss is not identity loss’ and that identity can be manifested in many different dimensions. He uses recent observations of recent social phenomena among Pa'ikwené to support his ideas.

Short description by Michal Gilewski


The article is based on a paper presented at CIASE, department of social anthropology,

Unwersity of St. Andrews, Scotland, 17 April, 2003.


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How to Cite
Passes, A. (2003). You Are What You Speak, or Are You? Identity, language, sociocultural change, and the Pa’ikwené (Palikur). Estudios Latinoamericanos, 23, 91-108.