Territoriality and Space Among the Hupd'ah and Tukano of the River Uaupés Basin

  • Renato Athias


Short description (adapted from the Text):

The aim of this text is to present a vision of the territorial occupation of the indigenous groups that live in the Uaupés Basin, focusing on inter-ethnic relations and the models of spatial occupation of the Maku and Tukanoan (Oriental) indigenous groups that inhabit this region. The idea of this exercise is to indicate elements for a possible analysis of the concept of territoriality used by the Indians that live in this region. The basic of this work is the hypotheses on the indigenous presence in the Uaupés basin, presented by Nimuendajú and which an, albeit with a number reservations, accepted by the majority of the anthropologists working in this part of the Amazon. Ideally, archeological studies would be made to prove these hypotheses, but both the mythology and the oral tradition of these populations appear to ratify them. (…)


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How to Cite
Athias, R. (2003). Territoriality and Space Among the Hupd’ah and Tukano of the River Uaupés Basin. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 23, 5-30. https://doi.org/10.36447/Estudios2003.v23.art1