Ona legends, tales, etc., an unpublished manuscript by E. Lucas Bridges from the manuscript remains of Martin Gusinde SVD.

  • Piotr Klafkowski


The paper is a publication of unpublished text by E. Lucas Bridges about Indigenous Fuegians. It has been published earlier in Breizb ba Poblou Europa (Bretagne
et Peoples d'Europe (Brittany and the Peoples of Europe, Pennadou an enor da/ Melanges en l’honneur de / articles to honor Per Denez, ed. Herve ar Bihan, published by Hor Yezh, Rennes 1999, pp. 427-441). 


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RIDGES E. Lucas, 1950 - Uttermost Part ofthe Earth, New York.

CHAPMAN Annę, 1982 * Drama and Power in a Hunting Society; The Selk’nam of Tierra del Fuego, Cambridge.

CHATWIN Bruce, 1977 - in Patagoniat London.

COOPER John M., 1917 -Analytical and Critical Bihliography of the Tribes of Tierra del Fuego andAdjacent Territory, Washington, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 63.

GOODALL Rae Natalie Prosser de, 1978 - Tierra del Fuego, Buenos Aires; pp. 28-30 coniains a list of the last surviving Fuegian Indians, complete with addresses or directions where to look for them.

GUSINDE Martin, SVD, 193M939 - Die Feuerland-Indianer. I. Die Selknam, Modling 1931; II. Die Yamana, Modling 1937; III/l. Die Halakwulup, Modling 1974. II1/2. Anthropologie der Feuerland-lndianer; Modling 1939 (vois. I and III/2 have each a separate portfolio of plates).

GUSINDE Martin, SVD, 1946 - Urmenschen in Feuerland (popular abridgement of Die Feuerland-lndianer), Berlin-Wien-Leipzig,

GUSINDE Martin, SVD, 1961 - The Yamana: The Life and Tbought of the Water Nomads of Cape Horn, Humań Relations Area Files, New Haven 1961, 5 vols. of bound files; The Se!k'nam, New Haven, Humań Relation Area Files, unpublished; see also under WILBERT Johannes.

HYADES P. D, DENIKER J., 1891 ~Mission scientifiąue du Cap Horn 1882-1883, vol VII: anthropologie et ethnographie.

Paris. (Based on field work in the heart of the Yahgan territory and assisted by the Bridges family, this is still the most comprehensive volume on Yahgan anthropology. Contains several unique plates and an extensive Yahgan-French vocabulary).

HEUYELMANS Bernard, 1982 - Sur la Pisie des Betes ignorees, Geneve, 4 vols.; vol. 3 chap. 12, Le Paresseux Gćant de la Patagonie (pp. 9-81), and its bihliography in vol. 4 pp. 209-211.

KLAFKOWSKI Piotr - The unknown materials for the study of languages and cultures of Tierra del Fuego in the manuscript remain of Martin Gusinde SVD (1886-1969) - preleminary survey - in manuscript

KLAFKOWSKI Piotr, 1984 - Saving the Last Yestiges of the Languages of Tierra del Fuego, in: The Spirit of Enterprise, 1984 ROLEX Awards, London, pp.212-213 (a summary of the fuli project which is still unpublished).

KOPPERS Wilhelm, 1924 - Unter Feuerland-lndianer; Stuttgart.

MARTI AL L. E, 1888-Mission scientifiąue du Cap Horn 1882-1883, vol. I: Histoire du voyage, Paris 1888. (The first vo!ume of the set concluding in Hyades and Deniker 1891, it includes a detailed account of the expedition, numerous plates and maps).

WILBERT Johannes, 1975 - Folk Literaturę of the Selknam Indians, Martin Gusinde’s Collection of Selknam Narratives, in: The Folk Literaturę of South American Indians Series vol. 32, UCLA, Latin American Studies, Los Angeles.

WILBERT Johannes, 1977 - Folk Literaturę of the Yamana Indians, Martin Gusinde's Collection of Yamana Narratives, in: The Folk Literaturę of South American Indians Series vol 40, UCLĄ Latin American Studies, Los Angeles. WILBERT Johannes, 1984 - Folk Literaturę of the Tehuelche Indians, in: The Folk Literaturę of South American Indians Series vol. 59, UCLA, Latin American Studies, Los Angeles WILBERT Johannes - Folk Literaturę of the Halakwulup (-Alakaluf) Indians, in preparation.


The Bńdges script referred to troughout the paper is the script created by the Rev. Thomas Bridges for the Yahgan language, also known as Yamana, the main language of Tierra del Fuego. David Diringer, in his invaiuable The Alphabet. A key to the Histow of Mankind [lst ed. London 1948] describes this script in the last chapter, „Conclusion”. In the subseąuent, two-vołume edition of The Alphabet, which I know but have no access to, the Bridges script is given in one of the plates in vol II.

FABRE Alain, 2001 - Manuał de las Imguas indigenas sudamericanas, 2 vols., LINCOM Hand-books in Unguistics, 04-05, LINGOM EUROPA, 2nd. See in particular;

Vol. I pp. 527-528: Tierra del Fuego, generał

Vol. I pp. 529-532: Aonikłenkor Tehuelche

Vol. I pp. 535-537: Selknam („Ona” in othersources)

Voi. II pp. 904-908: Qawasqar („Alakaluf ’ in othersources)

Vol. II pp. 1123-1126: Yahgan or Yamana.

NOTĘ: Haush or Eastern Ona, whatever it was, is not listed separately by Fabre, which may only mean it is extinct by now. KLAFKOWSKI Piotr, 1999 - Who Remembers the People of Fireland? Reflections Inspired by Martin Gusinde’s Manuscript Remains. A Contribution to the Siudy of Linguistic Extermination. First published in: Lingua Posnaniensis vol. XL/1998, pp. 189-214. Reprinted with few corrections in: Esiudios Latinoamericanos 19, pp. 173-205.

McEWAN Colin, Luis A. BORRERO, Alfredo PRIET0 (Eds.), 1997 - Patagonia, Natural History, Prebistory and Ethno-graphy at the Uttermost Endof the Earth, British Museum Press, London. This volume is an excellent introduction to all aspect of Fuegian studies, particuiarly to someone who has no access to Martin Gusinde’s monumental work „Die Feuer-land-Indianer” or morę recent works published in Chile and Argentina. Its bibliography, pp. 186-196, is of special interest, as itcovers all the topics involved, not only linguistics.

RASPAIL Jean, 1984 - Qui se souvient des hommesEditions Robert Lafont, Paris.

RASPAIL Jean, 1990 - Któż pamięta ludzi z Ziemi Ognistej, PIW, Warszawa.
How to Cite
Klafkowski, P. (2001). Ona legends, tales, etc., an unpublished manuscript by E. Lucas Bridges from the manuscript remains of Martin Gusinde SVD. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 21, 125-135. https://doi.org/10.36447/Estudios2001.v21.art8