Andean Solitude Of The Fox From Up Above And The Fox From Down Below
The role of the fox in the mythology, the folklore and beliefs of the Andean nations is extremely relevant, but hasn´t been investigated as profoundly as the role of the lama or the condor. This animal, present in the culture in different ways, keeps revealing to the scientifics new aspects of its reach «personality» and various forms of its existance in the local tradition. The archeological, folklorisc and ethnological research still complement the image of the fox, proving its extraordinary uniqueness in comparison with other animals. The Andean mythology of the fox is established as a syncretic creation, composed by the native believes and elements of the Iberian (and in a broader context-European) elements. The perception of this animal is partially connected to the universal image of the fox in other regions of the world, but also possesses the expressive individual characteristics that associate it for thousands of years with the culture of the Andes. One of the most significant literal and just as well ethnological expression concerning the fox in the tradition of Peru, is the book of José María Arguedas «The Fox from up Above and the Fox From Down Below». The author, basing upon his indigenistic knowledge and sensibility, enriched by his ethnological experience, created a masterpiece that nobilifies the fox as the cultural symbol of Peru that joins the mythical hystorical horizons of the country with the realities of the contemporary Peru. This essay is an attempt of the complex description of the role of the fox in the Peruvian tradition, pointing out its different aspects, coherent inside of the Andean viewpoint. It’s an approach which aims to reveal systemic connections between the varieties of the cultural forms of the fox existence in the area of the Andes. At the same time it is a way to show respect to the still inspiring idea of Arguedas.
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